
A component that provides a high-level interface to a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot, with functions that can move and turn the robot



The BluetoothClient component that should be used for communication. Must be set in the Designer


The motor ports that are used for driving.


The diameter of the wheels used for driving.


Whether to stop the drive motors before disconnecting.


MoveForwardIndefinitely (number power)

Move the robot forward indefinitely, with the specified percentage of maximum power.

MoveForward (number power, number distance)

Move the robot forward the given distance, with the specified percentage of maximum power.

MoveBackwardIndefinitely (number power)

Move the robot backward indefinitely, with the specified percentage of maximum power.

MoveBackward (number power, number distance)

Move the robot backward the given distance, with the specified percentage of maximum power.

Stop ()

Stop the drive motors of the robot.

TurnClockwiseIndefinitely (number power)

Turn the robot clockwise indefinitely, with the specified percentage of maximum power.

TurnCounterClockwiseIndefinitely (number power)

Turn the robot counterclockwise indefinitely, with the specified percentage of maximum power.

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