Check box components can detect user taps and can change their boolean state in response. A check box component raises an event when the user taps it. There are many properties affecting its appearance that can be set in the Designer or Blocks Editor.
Changed(): User tapped and released check box.
GotFocus(): Check box became the focused component.
LostFocus(): Check box stopped being the focused component.
SetShadow: Place a blurred shadow underneath the text with the specified x, y, radius, color, (e.g. -11,12,13,black).
BackgroundColor: Color for check box background.
Checked: True if the box is checked, false otherwise.
Enabled: If set, user can tap check box to cause action.
FontBold: Available only in Designer Properties.
FontItalic: Available only in Designer Properties.
FontTypeface: Available only in Designer Properties.
Height: Check box height (y-size).
Width: Check box width (x-size).
Text: Text to display on check box.
TextColor: Color for check box text.
Visible: If set, check box is visible.
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