AdMob Interstitial

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to easily monetize your apps using AdMobInterstitial component. This component can be used to create AdMob full screen ADs


You have already created an AdMob AdUnitId. If you haven't, please follow Steps 1-6 from source HERE.

Ad Guidance:

Please see AdMob video guide below. It is very important to follow their Terms of Service (ToS) and guide:


Create a new AppyBuilder project and name it TestAdmobFullScreen

From Monetize category, drag-and-drop AdMobInterstitial onto layout screen

Select this component and for its designer AdUnitId, enter your AdUnitId.

NOTE: For testing, you should use TEST AdUnitId. See link HERE for these IDs.

Next, Select Screen1 and set the Screen1 Sizing to Responsive:

This component has blocks / events that are shown in image blow. LoadAd block is executed automatically on startup. If Ad is successfully loaded, the AdLoaded event will be triggered. DO NOT use LoadAd block in this event because it will create an infinite loop. If the Ad fails to load, then AdFailedToLoad will be triggered and you can check the Error or message parameters to inspect why Ad was not served

ShowInterstatialAd block can be used to display the AD that was last loaded.

AdClosed block, gets triggered when AD is closed. In this block, you can use LoadAd block to load the next ad and prepare for next AD display.

The AD can be displayed when changing screens or when user clicks a button. DO NOT encourage user to click in order to display the AD. Please follow Ad Guidance shown above.

From iNetAjmer AppyBuilder Member

You can also check the error message that may give some idea about the issue:

Last updated