AdMob Banner

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to easily monetize your apps using AdMob component. The AdMob component is for creating Banner Ads.


You have already created an AdMob AdUnitId. If you haven't, please follow Steps 1-6 from source HERE.

Ad Guidance:

Please see AdMob video guide below. It is very important to follow their Terms of Service (ToS) and guide:


Create a new AppyBuilder project and name it TestAdmob

Once Design Editor opens, from the left Category Palette, select the Monetize category, then drag the AdMob component and drop into the Layout. You are now able to select this Component and change the Ad-Unit-ID property in the Properties Palette.

NOTE: For testing, you should use TEST AdUnitId. See link HERE for these IDs.

In addition, for the ADs to display, please ensure that you select Screen1 component, and then set the Sizing to Responsive:

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